犬や猫、大切なペットのサプリメントは小動物用健康補助食品の Love for Pet

Pet Growth and Health Care

What you can do every day for your beloved pets

Love for Pet

Advances in veterinary medicine and improvements in food have steadily increased the average life span of pets. Unfortunately, however, we must not forget that pets age at a much faster rate than humans. We want to keep our beloved partners healthy and happy forever. There are many things pet owners can do every day for their pets’ health.

5 points of health care

Body weight

1. Body weight

As we age, especially in older age, the amount of exercise decreases. The same food and amount of food as during growth tends to result in excess calories, which can easily lead to obesity. Obesity accelerates aging and increases the risk of lifestyle-related diseases, just as it does in humans. It is also undesirable for joints. The first step in understanding your pet’s health is weight control. We recommend that you keep a record of your pet’s weight on a daily basis.


2. Nutrients

Puppies (cats), growing cats, and older cats require different calories and nutrients. Each food manufacturer has a food for each stage of growth (life stage), so choose a food that suits the life stage of your pet. Also, although pets sometimes want what their owners are eating, it is not advisable to give them human food because it is high in salt and fat for pets. It is tempting to give food to your pet when it begs for it in a cute way, but it is also important to consider your pet’s health and train it.


3. Exercise

As pets age, they get less exercise. In addition to changing foods, be sure to give your pet adequate exercise. Without exercise, not only will your pet’s strength and legs and back weaken, but it will also increase the risk of internal organ disease. If you notice that your once active pet is now sleeping all the time, take it out for a walk, even if it is only for a short time.


4. Immunity

One of the functions of the body that declines with age is immunity. Although there is no accurate data on pets, in the case of humans, immunity gradually declines after peaking around the age of 20. Although there are individual differences, it is said to be 50% of its peak in people in their 40s and 10% at age 70. A weakened immune system not only leads to infectious diseases caused by viruses and bacteria, but also increases the risk of cancer and other lifestyle-related diseases. Regardless of age, an imbalance in the immune system increases the risk of developing allergies and atopic diseases, which in turn reduces the quality of life (QOL).


5. Supplement

Foods tailored to each life stage are designed to efficiently provide the calories and nutrients necessary for that age, but food and moderate exercise alone are not sufficient for health management. For example, it is important to actively supplement the essential ingredients necessary for joint formation, such as joint care, which is a concern for older large breed dogs. Similarly, taking supplements to care for immunity, which declines with age, is another useful way to maintain the health of pets. Supplements are designed to provide nutrients and functional ingredients that are often lacking. Therefore, it is recommended that supplements be continued on a daily basis, just like exercise.

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